- Barbra Kungler (Créatrice)
- Taylor Flanagan (Professionnelle de la mode)
- Un représentant de la société Evenementia.
- Un représentant de la société Glamourous Fashion Show Model Agency.
- 2 choisis parmi le staff du sponsor accueillant le défilé.
- Barbra Kungler (Creator)
- Taylor Flanagan (Fashion Professional)
- 1 representative from Evenementia.
- 1 representative from Glamourous Fashion Show Model Agency.
- 2 members of the owner's staff, receiving the event.
Barbra Kungler
* Modavia Designers & Modavia Fashion Week
* Owner and Designer of "Kunglers"
Taylor Flanagan
* ZOOM Magazine CEO: (http://sl-zoom.blogspot.com/)
* ZOOMING Fashion Blog :(http://zooming-fashion.blogspot.com/)